Thursday, May 18, 2017

Studies on Fungal ParMicrosporidiosisasites Worth Noting (Dynamic Page)

 As we go forth in this brave new world of ours, we are discovering new infective agents responsible for emerging disease as in the case of Funnelilformis Mosseae a fungus that until April of 2017 had only been recorded as affecting plant species.

 Last month in PubMed, a leading resource for clinical trials, we discover that todays Funinilformis has the ability to infect humans.

 I did a short video on this which links to the study in the description

 It is important going forward that we pay attention to treatments with regards to fungal infections and other species of parasites as there are few promising drugs in the pipeline and there will be more emerging disease if the theories on genetically modified organisms being the causative agent are correct.

 I hope to make this a dynamic page that will continuously update as I locate any studies of importance. You may wish to bookmark or RSS this page now as this will perpetually grow as I locate studies with focus on all species of parasites.

 I fear we will have to devise our own treatments ahead of the pace in which big pharma provides the doctors with their continuing education. These studies may be key in helping you to finding what works when nothing else does.

 I think we need to pay special attention to the additional fungal infections that patients with HIV are susceptible to as these reflect what a weakened immune system is capable of contracting, so don't discount them solely because you don't have HIV.

 Remember Funnelilformis now affecting humans suggests that the former laws and paradigms may no longer apply.


 Effect of myrrh and thyme on Trichinella spiralis enteral and parenteral phases with inducible nitric oxide expression in mice

Analysis of the Beta-Tubulin Gene and morphological changes of the Microsporidium Anncaliia algerae both Suggest Albendazole Sensitivity 

Electron microscopic changes in Enterocytozoon bieneusi following treatment with albendazole. (HIV)

Microsporidia infection of the cornea--a unique and challenging disease.

Infectious Diseases Articles


  1. Very scary indeed. I put the PDF presentation by Dr Fry about these new organisms here. I'll keep them there in perpetuity, so you can send this link elsewhere too if needed:

  2. If you ever want my 2 cents worth, just give me a shout. Good job on the site.
