I have to get a rant off of my chest.
Today's medicine is not designed to cure anything and was set up in a way which keeps doctors in the dark. The body as a whole is a system where one organ is tied to and supports the next.
Yet doctors are divided into learning different parts of the body and this incorporates a flawed model from jump.
The medical authorities are aware that chronic fungal infection leads to cancers. It is well documented in published medical studies.
traditional medical industry straight up ignores fungal issues of all
kinds. Its not the doctors fault. Its the industry that educates
cancer is a cash cow, their golden calf, so they do not want to
prevent it. Cancer research has become a multi billion dollar
industry annually and relies the suckers that continually donate to
it. If they cured cancer then all of this revenue would dry up.
Parasites cause chronic health issues as well so they overlook and ignore these issues and over prescribe antibiotics for every problem. Antibiotics worsen most fungal issues making you even sicker.
I was forced to learn all about parasite medications to self treat using pharmaceuticals from India. They stopped manufacturing Praziquantel for humans forcing me to use a product designed for animals to treat liver fluke in humans, which may be a common occurrence if you eat sushi.
These anti parasite medications actually have the potential to cure. The medical industry prefers a repeat customer to any cure.
The industry used to recommend antihelmintics annually but this worked too well. Today it simply declares the first world devoid of parasites. It prefers drugs that temporarily mask symptoms. It suppress drugs that cure fungal issues and prevent cancer.
Watch the James Corbett documentary "How Big Oil Conquered the World" on You Tube and you will see how all of the industries Rockefeller co-opted are tied together to make him rich and keep you sick.
This is why processed food is poison and your thyroid is under constant attack from all angles.
Fasting cures diabetes and many other issues and its completely free. See Dr. Fung's videos on this topic as they may not be around forever.
The medical industrial complex will not support a cure that doesn't cost anything until it completes its depopulation goal.
Calculate the billions of dollars they would lose if you and everyone you knew cured their diabetes.
Even the mantra "breakfast is the most important meal of the day" is a lie repeated over and again to trick you. We were not built to snack all day nor consume 3 meals per day.
People parrot this and other media propaganda until the dumbed down population accepts it for truth. Question everything you've learned as a result of this tactic, and learn to recognize it for what it is.
"Safe and Effective" has become the corporate COVID mantra for the largest medical experiment ever conducted on mankind using a 'vaccine' that is a gene modification technology, and not yet FDA approved. Both its safety and efficacy are questionable at best.
The medical industrial complex has completely failed me and I trust them no more.
They have taken it to the next level and are now assisting the globalists in reducing the population. A perfect example is their preference to a drug, Remdesivir, which decimated the kidneys of 30% in human clinical trials, and over 50% in animal trials.
Remdesivir has been given EUA (Emergency Use Authorization) status for treating COVID, yet the safe, effective, and low cost Ivermectin is being suppressed. This is clearly no longer about saving lives, but quite the opposite.
Just the fact that an experimental COVID 'vaccine' would be recommended for pregnant women should have been a glaring red flag that something grand is amiss. The corrupted FDA is now completely controlled by the major drug companies.
Frequency is the future of medicine. Real medicine with an ability to cure. Most of it is being withheld from the majority of the population until that number can be reduced to a controllable and manageable number. The culling has begun.
now, you have to learn to be your own doctor if you want any real
resources are still there for now but the solutions are actively
being hidden from you on search engines. I currently use Yandex.com
There is a war on alternative health because there is a war on you.
They prefer you do not die quickly, but rather a slow and costly death in which you generate more income by scurrying back to the doctor for each new ailment the system is designed to create.
To my friends suffering in poor health, I have not completely forgotten about you as I may have alluded to in my last post. I am learning about Hydrogen Therapy and as I become more versed in this alternative healing resource, I will share my findings.
Please be patient and try to be kind to one another in these trying times. A shared smile or laugh may be the difference in someone making it through to the next day.
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